At Fidelis Exterior Solutions, we provide professional soft washing and pressure washing to keep your property looking its best. Whether it's your home, driveway, roof, or business, we remove dirt, grime, mold, and buildup safely and effectively. Serving Auburn, AL, and Birmingham, AL, we take pride in delivering top-tier service with integrity and care. No job is too big or small—just a cleaner, brighter property waiting to be revealed. Trust Fidelis to bring new life to your exterior!
Pressure Washing
We specialize in cleaning and restoring concrete, patios, and various types of surfaces with professional precision. Our pressure washing process utilizes high-pressure water to effectively remove stubborn grime, dirt, and buildup. To ensure a deep, long-lasting clean, we follow up with a post-treatment using a specialized cleaning solution, enhancing both the appearance and durability of your surfaces.
Driveway Cleaning
Starting at $200
Sidewalk Cleaning
Starting at $150
Our soft washing services are ideal for homes, decks, and windows, ensuring a thorough clean without the risk of damage. Unlike high-pressure washing, soft washing is a gentle yet highly effective method designed for surfaces that require a more delicate touch. We apply a specialized cleaning solution to break down dirt, mold, and grime, followed by a thorough rinse, leaving your surfaces pristine and protected.
House Cleaning
Starting at $250
Deck Cleaning
Starting at $200
Patio Cleaning
Starting at $200
Soft Washing
We also offer additional services, including professional gutter cleaning. Keeping your gutters free of debris not only enhances drainage but also helps protect your roof and extend its lifespan. If there’s a specific service you need, reach out to us—we may have the perfect solution for you!
Other Services
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